To Write or Not To Write…

Call them whatever you want; poetry, story, narratives, speeches, arguments, chit-chat, discussions, the list goes on.They are still words, even if they are still inside your head. Form doesn’t matter, as long us they complete each other. However, as you tend to mold your words into any of the above forms, don’t forget that there were, and still are, millions of people like you. They had/ have things to say, things to be heard. If you have never journeyed into the world of their thoughts, do not expect people flock into your territory. Even if some do, they don’t have the appetite to perch for a while and look around.


A Different Valentine


(This time, my love poem is a cry for humanity!)images

Dear folks,

today, let’s try to redefine

the way we have always

celebrated Valentine

let’s forget about flowers and sweet talks

because none of them

could give us

the eternal taste of love.


Not even a teddy bear

I know you like to touch it dear

but I must say

that love can be much softer

when you know that

it is not a mere toy


Why should we hear the music

from a crystal ball box,

when our heartbeats

remind us

a thousand times a day

that love is not just

an automatic play?


In this Valentine

let’s hold our candles

and find love again.

we can ignore the dead castles

and get a ticket

that takes us

to the shabby shelters, humble houses

where love has not yet

rotted away.


Fitting In





we didn’t care how we landed here

we promised

to bury our wounds

into this weary ground

and heal our scars

under this released sun

home would be a happy hammock

swaying in the blissful air

we chirp bedtime stories

that start with

“once upon a time

there was a land of lions…”

to our kids

until they wake up

and see that

“encountering heroes”

is only a dream.

We planned to

clear the landmines

and dance in the meadows

that would grow with the touch

of our salted hands,

then we would sing the pledge of love

to the evergreen rainbows.

But this didn’t last long

when the earth beneath us

started to shrink and shrink

until it got

too small to fit in.

                          Sarwa,  February 2016




Dear sir(s),   



since our conscious

sends us signals

that it is hard to

follow your actions

we cannot

drown your hopes

into the oceans,

nor let your kids

seeing their dolls

washed ashore.

For some gold,

we shall not dig holes

into your courtyard

and replace it

with sugarcoated coals.

Never we will                                        

displace your heart

into the faraway lands

then trade your blood

for the entire world.

Turning your mansions

into lifeless ruins

is not what we’ve planned for,

as the power of our tear  s                         

is enough

to mirror your smile back

into your eyes

and dazzle them with

infiite fears.       

Sarwa, February 2016